What is XPages?

XPages is a web and mobile application development platform. It allows IBM Domino data as well as data from relational and other data sources to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms. The programming model is based on standards and common web development skills like JavaScript, Ajax, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript, and JavaServer Faces. XPages leverages IBM Domino functionality, like its NoSQL document-oriented database.

See here for more about XPages architecture

Download Domino Designer

IBM Domino Designer, an extension of the Eclipse IDE, is the tool to rapidly develop XPages applications.

IBM Domino Designer is free!

Download Domino Designer (Free)

Learn how to install Domino Designer

Build your first App

IBM Domino Designer comes with out of the box application templates that can easily be instantiated. It also comes with a local HTTP server and XPages runtime.
Get started with your first XPages application

IBM Domino Designer supports the rapid creation of web applications which can access data from various sources, e.g. the document oriented database that comes with XPages.
Start learning XPages with these tutorials.
Wiki: Get started with XPages
TLCC: Free Course - Introduction to XPages Development! (requires registration)